Unrelated to Oncology

An 80-year-old male was operated on last 2014 with cemented Total Hip Arthroplasty. He was doing great in the interim period until he accidentally fell from a motorcycle hitting his left hip in 2020. The patient sustained a periprosthetic fracture and was operated on by putting a locking plate screwed distally, wired, and wrapped with…

Conventional Osteosarcoma

This is a case of a 17-year-old male patient with a chief complaint of nagging pain in his left knee. They sought a consult to a physician, and the initial radiograph was read as unremarkable. One month after, despite the intake of the prescribed pain medications, his condition persisted and worsened. Hence, they sought a…

Low Grade Central Osteosarcoma

A case of an 18-year-old female with a gradually enlarging thigh mass for two years. She was referred to our institution for further evaluation and management, and a needle biopsy was done. The histopathology report revealed atypical spindle cell proliferation, and immunostaining was unremarkable. The multidisciplinary team suggested surgery and because of financial constraints for…

Giant Cell Tumor Of Bone

A case of a young adult with a recurrent Giant Cell Tumor of Bone. Previously, the patient underwent an improper intralesional curettage. After one year, he noted a resurgence of pain. He sought a consult with another physician, and he was advised of possible wide resection and an application of tumor prosthesis. However, the patient…


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